Its Time for the Annual Appeal

Your year-end gift will help NAMI Vermont give people with mental health conditions some peace of mind by ensuring a caring community is there to support them. To donate, just click on the “Donate” button at the top right of NAMI Vermont page.

These are testimonials by just a few lives that NAMI Vermont helped.

“As a family member when my son was manic I felt scared, helpless, exhausted, overwhelmed  and so many emotions overtook my ability to take care of myself. The NAMI Family to Family program helped me to find a network of support, taught me about  illnesses, got me communicating better with my son and taught me to take care of myself too. Now I facilitate the program and can see it be life changing for other families.” – – Patti S.

“NAMI Vermont is a big part of my support system.  I live with mental health challenges. In 2009, Dirk and Ann helped to enroll  me in a NAMI Connections training.  Since January 2010 we have held weekly support groups. Both as a leader and attendee, these meetings are part of the support that helps keep me moving forward and looking up. Bless you, NAMI Vermont!!! “  – – Sara N.

“Thirty years ago when we lived in NY, our then 18 year old son who had been a normal kid began to deteriorate and was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. My husband and I were clueless and devastated.  A therapist recommended that we attend a 12 Week NAMI Family to Family Education program. It was the best thing we did to help us and our son understand the disease and learn ways to deal with it and, importantly, to know that we are not alone. Fifteen years ago we moved to VT from NY and were so thankful to find that NAMI is here for us as well. We are thankful for the continued support both emotional and informational from this wonderful organization. “  – – Elinor  K. 

“NAMI Vermont saved my life. I was in crisis when I came to NAMI. I joined the NAMI Connection group and am now a peer support group leader. I enjoy helping other people. I am involved with the Advocacy Committee and serve as a Peer Council Board Member.   I am also a family member who supports a relative who has a mental illness and have found the Family-to-Family education program so helpful. “ – – Carolyn B.

Help NAMI Vermont continue its Mission to Support, Educate and Advocate so that all Vermonters affected by mental illness or mental health challenges can build better lives.