
NAMI FaithNet is an interfaith resource network of NAMI members, friends, clergy, and congregations of all faith traditions who wish to encourage faith communities who are welcoming and supportive of persons and families living with mental illness.

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About This Program

NAMI FaithNet is an interfaith presentation by NAMI members for friends, clergy and congregations of all faith traditions who wish to encourage their communities to be welcoming and supportive of persons and families living with a mental health condition.

NAMI FaithNet strives to encourage welcoming, caring congregations as well as to promote the vital role of spirituality in the recovery journeys of many who live with mental health conditions, those for whom faith is a key component.

Through this website and through efforts nationally and in local communities, NAMI and NAMI Affiliates encourage an exchange of information, tools, and other resources that will help educate and inspire faith communities about mental illness and the vital role spirituality plays in recovery for many.

NAMI FaithNet is not a religious network but includes an effort to reach out to all religious organizations.

About This Program

What You Will Gain

Schedule a Presentation

FaithNet Presenter Training

Thank you to everyone who attended the Oct. 20 FaithNet Presenter Training session!

If you are interested in training to become a FaithNet presenter, please complete the registration form below and we will add you to our waitlist. Thank you!

NAMI FaithNet

nami faithnet

What You Will Gain:

Young man smiling and standing while talking to two seated people with backs to camera
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Schedule an FaithNet Presentation or Train to be an FaithNet Presenter

For more information, contact NAMI Vermont at (800) 639-6480 or email[email protected]

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Need more information or guidance?

For more information, contact NAMI Vermont at (800) 639-6480 or email: [email protected]

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