MINDwalk Blows by Fundraising Goal by Almost $8,000

We are incredibly excited and honored to report that due to the fantastic efforts of our MINDwalkers and the generosity of our donors, MINDwalk 2016 left its goal in the dust on Walk Day. 
The tally for all the funds that came in as of today is $42,797, a whopping almost eight thousand dollars over our original goal! The MINDwalk site will remain open for a little while longer, if you wanted to help us close that $200 gap toward an even $43K 😀
Congratulations to all of our MINDwalkers for their incredible efforts on a beautiful day, making noise and being visible in support of mental health and mental health care.
  • More pictures will be coming soon (uploads take forever!) We’ll keep you posted!
  • We hope to have some videos and recordings of our performers and our first steps available soon!