Did Someone Say CAR PARADE?

Still looking for an activity to do for this year’s NAMIWalks Your Way Vermont on Saturday, October 3? Here’s a new idea:

1 pm in downtown Burlington

carThat’s right! We’ve received permission to have a car parade around town and we’re inviting you to join us to honk our horns, wave our signs and make a little noise for mental health!

We’ll gather together in the back parking lot of the North Avenue Alliance Church (901 North Ave., Burlington) beginning at 12 noon to decorate our cars with streamers, signs, flags and window markers. Our parade will kick off at 1 pm with a police escort on a pre-determined route around downtown Burlington.

We will limit the parade to 25 cars, so if you would like to join us, click on this link to register you and your vehicle today.

Please note: We will be following health and safety guidelines and ask that you not attend if you are sick, have a fever or cough, or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19. We will be supplying NAMI Vermont face masks and hand sanitizers for your use.

Carpooling will be allowed, but we request that you wear masks, practice safe distancing and make sure there is spacing between people in your vehicle (unless you are family members or have been quarantined together).

Stay tuned for additional highlights for October 3!