Contact NAMI Vermont to get a free thumb drive of “Say It Out Loud!” materials for your church youth group!
One in five teens lives with a mental health condition and yet more than half are not getting the help they need. Stigma remains a huge barrier to teens seeking help. Many cite fear of negative perceptions as a major factor in choosing not to speak up.
Raising awareness by sharing information and starting conversations about mental health is key in reducing these perceptions and increasing the likelihood that teens will seek mental health care when they need it. NAMI is committed to helping start those conversations. We have created Say it Out Loud to get teens talking about mental health.
Say it Out Loud gives adults the tools they need to hold conversations about mental health with teens in faith-based or community youth groups. The toolkit includes:
- A short film showing the 10 common warning signs and three youth sharing their experiences.
- A discussion guide on how to hold a successful group discussion.
- A narrated presentation for the group facilitator to learn more about mental health conditions in youth.
- Fact sheets and information about how to connect with NAMI in their community.
If you’re ready to say it out loud, click the links above to download the toolkit. You can download the film by clicking the “download” button underneath the video. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of teens!
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