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Governance Committee Meeting
Call NAMI Vermont at 802-876-7949 x100 for the Zoom link.
Williston Family Support Group (In Person & via Zoom!)
IN PERSON - Williston 600 Blair Park Road, Suite 301, WillistonCOMPLETE EVAUATION: https://naminational.typeform.com/support-eval-enPlease feel free to call Margie Lemay if you have any questions or need more information (802/310-4199).If attending in person, park at the South entrance, go through the door, up the stairs, […]
Manchester Family Support Group (FSG) Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85845789961?pwd=YVJzQjd0TXZrRmhJL1dnZUxWQ1pDZz09NAMI Vermont2 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85845789961?pwd=YVJzQjd0TXZrRmhJL1dnZUxWQ1pDZz09 Meeting ID: 858 4578 9961 Passcode: 924160 One tap mobile +16469313860,,85845789961#,,,,*924160# US +13017158592,,85845789961#,,,,*924160# US (Washington DC) […]