We hope you will join us at NAMI Vermont’s Annual Meeting on November 6th via Zoom. Members will have the option to call in. Our agenda includes a meet and greet at 9:30 am and we’ll start the meeting promptly at 10:00 am – ending at 1:00 pm. We are very pleased to welcome Senate President Pro Tem Becca Balint as our keynote speaker.
Voting for the slate of candidates for the Board of Directors will be done through a secure online method before and during the meeting. Members will vote on the slate of candidates that includes Katherine Johnson for a 1st Term, and Chip Siler & Judy Siler for a 3rd Term.
We will celebrate the amazing work and dedication of our volunteers and hear about a year in review from our Committee Chairs. We look forward to your feedback as we participate in breakout discussion rooms.
We look forward to seeing you virtually on November 6th! Register here.