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Vermont School Counselor Association Conference: NAMI Vermont Exhibit
Killington Grand Resort Hotel 230 E Mountain Rd, KillingtonVSCA Conference: Connecting all the pieces together. NAMI VT is exhibiting at this conference to provide resources to School Counselors.
Williston Family Support Group (In Person & Via Zoom)
COMPLETE EVAUATION: https://naminational.typeform.com/support-eval-enPlease feel free to call Margie Lemay if you have any questions or need more information (802/310-4199).ON ZOOM:Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84592752810Meeting ID: 845 9275 2810One tap mobile+13017158592,,84592752810# US (Washington DC)+13126266799,,84592752810# US (Chicago)